Affinity Designer 2.0.4 Windows X64



Affinity Designer 2.0.4 thebeastweb

Affinity Designer 2.0.4 Windows X64

[ About The Software ]

Changes made since the last release (2.0.3) include fixes and improvements.

Fixed crashes caused by enabling white balance on non-RAW files in Affinity Photo. Improved tint value in CR3 files and timezone handling in Metadata panel. StudioLink is not compatible with business licensing. 
Fixed issue where non-ASCII characters were not accepted in license usernames. Fixed display issue where New Document sometimes showed Letter* instead of A4. 
Stroke width cannot be set if units are not in points. Files may be saved with reduced size in some cases, such as a 2GB file with no embedded data. 
Copy/pasting image resources in a document no longer replaces them with others. Updates include stability fixes, help/localization updates, and various licensing/registration improvements.

 [ Video Tutorial is Below ]

Quickly and efficiently handle even the most intricate documents with responsive and speedy performance.

Effortlessly manage large quantities of objects, arrange them using layer groups and color tagging, make accurate selections with the live outline view, and zoom in up to one million percent and beyond without any delay.

Complete workspaces for both vector and raster designs.

With the ability to include raster brush textures in your illustrations, manipulate individual pixels in icons, apply masks and grain to your precise vectors, and enclose and clip pixel layers, you have complete creative control.


Numerous efficient tools and functions.

Easily edit by matching attributes, effortlessly set up grids, guides, and planes, link symbols and constraints, customize keyboard shortcuts, save preferred workspace setups, and enjoy other features.


Produce flawless designs with every pixel.

Preview vectors in standard and retina resolution using pixel preview mode to see how each element of your design will appear upon export, all in real-time.


Tech Specs

To use the software, you'll need a 64-bit Windows PC with a mouse or similar input device. Your computer must have hardware GPU acceleration and a DirectX 10-compatible graphics card or better. 
We recommend having at least 8GB of RAM and 1GB of free hard drive space (more during installation). Additionally, your display size should be at least 1280x768 pixels


[ Download ]

Affinity Designer 2.0.4 Windows X64   548 MB

rar password : 123


Advanced typography choices

With the ability to flow text along any path, create unique typography and include features such as ligatures, artistic text, character and paragraph styles.

Highly adaptable, wonderfully compatible.

Merge color spaces and handle various file formats like JPEG, PDF, SVG, PSD, PNG, TIFF, GIF, and DWG/DXF.


Vector Warp

Apply a vector warp to text or artwork without damaging the original. Edit the warp with fast live previews, even on complex illustrations, and achieve a true vector outcome.

Non-destructive adjustments 

refer to editing techniques that do not permanently alter the original file or image.
Various adjustments can be added to your design as a new layer for creative or corrective purposes.
