Andrew Tate - Body Language Part 3 - Official Video

Andrew Tate Body Language course

Andrew Tate - Body Language Course Part 3 - Official Video

[ About The Course ]

The Tenets of Tateism

I believe that Men have the Divine Imperative to get as able, important, and competent as possible in this life;

I reserve the mortal right to hold my own beliefs and exercise them as I see fit, and I allow all other people the same right to believe and act as they wish;

I prefer loving satisfying consensual connections with beautiful, positive and righteous Women;

I believe Men and Women are different, and that each has their own unique and important strengths and capacities;

I believe Men have the Sacred Duty to guard and deliver for the important people in their lives;

I believe Men have the Sacred Duty to secure the innocence and saint ship of their children and reserve the right and responsibility to raise their children as they see good to guarantee their long- term happiness and success;

I believe that Men have the Sacred Duty to raise strong, competent, and honorable sons;

I believe that Men have the Sacred Duty to raise kind, womanlike, and righteous daughters;

I hugely disapprove of violence within romantic or domestic connections;

I support good and honest governments and I'll adhere only their laws;

I prefer to only conduct business dealings with trusted and vetted mates;

I believe that a man has the Sacred Duty to hold true to his word and do exactly what he says he'll do;

I believe that a man’s life is problematic and he has the Sacred Duty to get strong to handle similar difficulty;

I believe Men are tête-à-tête responsible for their conduct and for the results they achieve in their lives;

I believe in emotional control and the vital need to get disciplined and professional in all belongings;

I believe that Men have the Sacred Duty to approach everything in life from a position of strength;

I believe that ALL Men have the Sacred Duty to get Men of upright and righteous character and live above all possible reproach;

I believe it's peremptory upon me to ruthlessly identify my own faults and limitations and I eagerly work to overcome them and be more able in all realms;

I seek to perfect my particular freedom to suppose, act, and live true to my mannish imperative in all ways;

I believe each Man has a Sacred Duty to fester his physical body into the strongest, more flexible and utmost able interpretation of itself possible;

I believe that Men have the Sacred Duty to precisely train themselves both physically and mentally every day;

I believe that I've the Sacred Duty to only eat the loftiest quality foods possible to maintain my health, vitality, and mannish masculinity;

I reserve the right to safeguard the saint ship of my bloodstream and make my own opinions about my medical care and procedures;

I affirm the significance of endlessly perfecting my internal faculties through active work, study, and practice;

I believe in acquiring wealth and cornucopia in order to ameliorate my life and do good for those I concern about;

I believe in the values of healthy competition and constantly encourage all Men to seek out competition to better themselves;

I believe that Masculine Brotherhood is essential to Men’s psychological health, happiness and success, and I relentlessly encourage Men to meet together, train together, and work together;

I maintain the trust of My buddies through reverent silence regarding our most sacred participated gests ;

I believe in recognizing My Ancestors and living in a way that would make them most proud of me here and now;

I reserve the right to administer tricky solemnities of passage for our youthful Men to allow them to earn the rank of Manhood;

I affirm the significance and need for journey and adventure as Men;

I seek to help Men overcome poor psychological health through embracing hard work, physical advancements and to take a share or part of mannish brotherhood;

I reserve the right to make the great choices I can at the time to defend My Self- Respect and Mental Health;

I do good in the world and seek to help those less fortunate than Myself;
I believe ALL Men have the responsibility to lead and guide those they look out for to superior health, abundance, and happiness;

I choose to only interact with those who are mindful and civil in return for My own respect and civility;

I reserve the freedom to speak and relate to others as I believe is great and most honest;

I reserve the right to choose my company and include only those whom I believe are great for my health, happiness, and success;

I believe I've an imperative to only spend My time in a way that I determine is salutary, uplifting, and empowering to myself and others;

I choose to only allow myself to be told by those who I believe have my great interests in mind;

Each day I devote myself again to produce the topmost possible positive impact in the world and do the work necessary to achieve a lesser mannish excellence across all realms of mortal bid.

[watch the video]
