Andrew Tate - Body Language Part 1 - Official Video

 Andrew Tate Body Language course

Andrew Tate - Body Language Course Part 1 - Official Video

[ About The Course ]

The tate body language program allows you to understand some very important secrets. Body language is how humans cooperate without speaking. Evolutionary and extremely important, it's how every person judges you before you speak a word. After traveling to 72 countries, being attacked, being a world level fighter and much more, Tate has learnt how to perfectly use body language to his advantage.

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The true power of depression

I've accomplished more than most because I’ve struggled and overcome more than most. i've been homeless.i've even been so broke that Tristan and I would get happy just having enough money to buy a bottle of hot sauce.

Hot sauce was the number one luxury in life. Trust me. 3 dollars for taste wasn’t something we could afford.we needed calories for our money. and now I'm rich. traveling wherever I want.

Driving my supercars across Europe on a whim. I've been at the very bottom. and now I'm at the top. managing staff. closing 7-figure deals. dating countless beauty queens. yet I've never been depressed. not even for a second.

While you get depressed because you aren't where you want to be in life. maybe you're broke. maybe you're out of shape. maybe you just want a different life altogether.

[watch the video]

Not knowing that this "depression" you feel is the key to everything you want to change. you see, feeling depressed is REAL. but it's circumstantial and must be used as motivation to alter your circumstances.

It isn't what you've been tricked into thinking. you were lied to. you don't need to take some BS medicine to combat it. as depression isn't a disease. it's simply a state of mind designed to motivate you.

And if you fail to motivate yourself to get in shape, get rich, get a girlfriend, whatever it is that's depressing you. then that leftover "motivational" chemical sits in your brain. making you feel sorry for yourself and all the other useless things you do when you feel "depressed".

Listen to me. depression is nothing more than motivation’s toxic waste. and this toxic waste can be used to fuel you. it was never meant to make you feel down. so stop wasting your depression. the very reason you feel depressed is that your brain is giving you EXACTLY what you need. draw upon its power. become unstoppable. become the person you keep claiming you want to be.
