Andrew Tate - Iron Mind Part 1

Iron Mind Part 1 HD | Audio

[ About The Course ]

IRON MIND mental resilience training.

One of the key components to success is FOMO.

The fear of missing out.

Some people don't have it. But I certainly do. I always have.

I don't want to miss out on a single thing.

80 short years on this planet, I wanna FILL IT WITH FUN. Why wouldn't I?

I’m cruising around in the sunshine in my Lambo this afternoon.

If you're not, you should have FOMO. You're missing out on an experience I get to enjoy.

And when I was broke I had FOMO super badly.

Everyone everywhere doing all of these amazing things and I'm stuck in some bullshit job I hate.

I couldn't stand it.

It was enough to drive me crazy.

And I thought, "If I get rich I won’t have FOMO anymore"

But… I was wrong.

Now my FOMO is worse than ever because I have the means to do anything.

There's NOTHING stopping me from doing things.

So from zero options, I've gone to ALL the options. NOW WHAT?

Everybody who's everybody is in Monaco, why? Don't know.

Must be some kinda event going down.

What’s stopping me from going? Nothing.

A girl who still loves me (with a rich daddy) has a huge villa in Mykonos and is trying to convince me to come chill with her for a week.

What’s stopping me from going? Nothing.

I could go on and on.

So there really is no reason to stay still.

I'm at a point I can barely sleep because there's always something going on somewhere else.

And I love it.

Rich FOMO is different from poor FOMO.

PFOMO is a constant state of anger and resentment.

RFOMO is a constant state of excitement. There is so much happening.

Like throwing 10 bones at a dog at once.

And what’s crazy is this...

If I was in Monaco or Mykonos. It would be OK. I mean. I would have fun. But would it be the best thing ever?

Probably not. And I’d have FOMO I wasn't somewhere else.

BUT. MAYBE, just MAYBE it would be the best time ever. And it’s the maybe that keeps me searching.

I haven't removed my fear of missing out, I've just replaced it with a different kind.

But it’s a better kind.

So it’s a step in the right direction!

Now -

Ask yourself.

What are you missing out on?

Because you'll find that money will give it to you.

People say money isn't everything!

And that's true, but it’s the path to basically everything. So it’s pretty fucking important.

More time with your kids? Cash will help.

Family member in Australia? Cash will help.

Maybe you just wanna cruise a Lambo in the sunshine...


Your FOMO should be OFF the charts.

And that's the ENDLESS source of motivation that you need. Done.

You're now motivated forever.

 Listen to it now!
